Tuesday 1 May 2007

Wheel 'em on

Note the slippers

I've recently returned to using my trusty electronic steed the Dreadnaught. It's an amazing wheelchair that I bought when I could hardly walk at all and it only gets an outing every now and then cos it's been a bit unreliable. However by the simple expedient of buying some new batteries (cost of £125 each)it's got going again and on our recent visit to Centerparcs we had a fun time with me buzzing around in it while the others cycled everywhere.

Of course you feel slightly fraudulent because people see you in this giant contraption like nothing they've ever seen before and think you must be an utter basket case. Then when I jump out and walk round shops they think some miracle has taken place. But anyway I had forgotten how people stare and how over keen they are to help, one bloke almost flattening me with my own wheelchair when I get a bit stuck against a fence post. With no experience of driving the thing he cheerfully grabbed the joystick - I'd got out by this time - and of course it lurched towards me quicker than I could move out the way. But he wasn't daunted by this and had another go until Jack fortunately came back and rescued me before too much 'help' led to me losing a leg.

It does anyway mean that i can explore the countryside without pain so I took off up the dingle at the back of our house. Yes, you're quite right I WAS wearing my slippers. How chav is that?

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