I'm going to assume no-one reads this as it's too inhibiting to think they might. And yes, it IS a boring way to start, given that it's the new year and all but then, you have to start somewhere so here we go, with a predictable list of STUFF.
End of 2006......
highlights (work): new office - room to swing a whole TIGER! earning some actual money for the first time in seven years - went out and about to corporates a bit more which was fun in a kind of boring way - new and much better staff
lowpoints (work): certain person's programming - stress - certain clients (you know who you are) - certain ex-freelancers
highlights (personal): Madeira, seeing Poppy sing live on stage, writing a bit in my journal (crikey there's not much here is there?) - new orthotics mean I can walk better.
lowpoints (personal): being in a lot of pain early this year, thankfully somewhat improved now - Sam going away to uni was difficult and remains so - putting on weight AGAIN.
Resolutions of the boring kind - eat less rubbish, lose weight, buy fewer clothes, leave work earlier.
Resolutions of the (more) exciting kind: bind a book in 2007, write some more, try to do something in the evenings other than slump exhaustedly on the sofa, be a more rounded person whatever that means. Write a BLOG!
1 comment:
When you say you plan to eat less rubbish - have you been going through BINS again?
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