Monday 1 January 2007

New things

I've always had a fascination with new things. I even feel a slight thrill opening a new bottle of shampoo or a new bar of soap. I think we always had plenty of old things when I was small so a new anything was a slight novelty. My mum and dad used to make things for us - clothes for us from mum and toys and things from dad, which of course we didn't appreciate as we should have done.

Anyway on to the really mad stuff. I find some new things really difficult - e.g. I have a bit of a phobia about writing in new blank books. People buy them for me but I have to sort of sneak up on them and quickly write something because I'm scared of spoiling all that newness. Of course I have bound some beautiful new blank books myself and never been able to use them.

And another thing - new towels. Getting and using a clean dry towel after I've had a bath - I've struggled with that one for years. I've dried myself on the general damp towel too many times to remember - buit WHY? some sort of vaguely stupid notion of saving towels? On the other hand, when I stay in a hotel I make sure I use ALL the towels and have clean ones every day. Makes no sense.

I think - going a bit philosophical - that I was quite old (like 40 ish) before I realised that I did actually like new THINGS happening in my life - prevously I had thought that I didn't. What a silly person I am. The new things happen anyway so I might as well enjoy them. :-). And clearing out some old leaves space for some new.

See - I told you it would be philosophical.

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